Black and White 2 How to Speed Up Time

Get ready to enter the 2D world of Pokemon, one final time.

"Set off on a new Pokémon adventure to save the Unova region! You and your Pokémon can accomplish anything together!"

Blurb on the back of the boxes of Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 Versions

Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2 are Generation V Pokémon games for the Nintendo DS. They are sequels to the earlier Generation V games, Pokémon Black and White. The games were released on June 23 2012 in Japan, the October 7th, 2012 in North America, and October 12th in Europe.

Featuring an expanded Unova, Pokémon from previous generations returning, and brand new protagonists, the games take place two years after the first two Unova-based games. A different, new form of Kyurem from the previous games is the mascot of each game, with each game having its own form (Black Kyurem for Black 2; White Kyurem for White 2).

The Iwata Asks interview for the games can be read here.

"Pokémon Black 2 and White 2: Introduction Movie" is an animated trailer created to promote the game.

Please place tropes exclusive to individual characters in the respective Character Sheets.

As this is a sequel, there may be unmarked spoilers from the previous games. You have been warned.

Tropes that Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2 provide:

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    Main Game Tropes

  • 100% Completion: Completing the Pokédex gives, for the second time note Unless you count National Pokédex, Poké Radar and all that stuff in Sinnoh-based games, something more than just a diploma (which does nothing). For seeing all Pokémon in Unova Dex (barring Victini, Keldeo, Meloetta and Genesect), you gain an access to Nature Preserve, filled with Pokémon, including a shiny Haxorus. Completing it (barring once again the four event legends) gives you a Round Charm, which makes it more likely that your Pokémon will have an Egg, while completing the entire National Pokédex (barring event legendaries) will give you a Shiny Charm, which makes Shiny Pokémon over two times as likely in the wild or when breeding normally
  • Absurdly Spacious Sewer: You can visit the sewers of Castelia City, which are large enough to walk through comfortably and house a number of trainers. The sewers are filled with appropriate Pokémon such as Rattata and Zubat.
  • Achievement System: The game has its own achievement system in the form of the Medal Rally. Early on, an NPC named Mr. Medal gives the player a Medal Box (and one Medal to start it with); after that he'll appear in a Pokémon Center to award the player more Medals for completing various achievements, and provide hints about future medals. There are a total of 255 medals, each color-coded for various categories (battling, trading, etc.) and the decoration of which roughly reflects its difficulty.
  • Added Alliterative Appeal:
    • Upon reaching Virbank City, Roxie gets angry about her father shirking his ship-captain duties to be a movie star. "You dim-witted...dense...dumb...daft...dippy...dorky...doltish...DOOFUS!!!"
    • Skyla's team consists of Swoobat, Skarmory, Swanna, and in Challenge Mode, a Sigilyph.
    • ALL the NPCs that can set up shop in Join Avenue have names that either start with J or A (with a very Aerith feel to them, too.)
  • All Your Powers Combined: Sort of, Keldeo changes into its Resolute Forme when the three Musketeer Pokémon — Cobalion, Terrakion and Virizion — lend it their power.
  • Amazing Technicolor Battlefield: When you fight the Champion, the background looks you're flying through space. The "platforms" your Pokémon stand on still look like the floor of the room you're in though.
  • Amusement Park: Nimbasa's Amusement Park is just as it was in the first games, except the gym battle with Elesa is not fought on the roller coaster. Instead she is fought on stage as part of a fashion show.
  • And Now for Someone Completely Different: There are three new Gym Leaders, though only two are new characters. The old ones are still around, but Lenora and the Striaton triplets have moved on to exclusively focusing on their day jobs, with Lenora converting the Gym into a library and the triplets having resigned as Gym Leaders after their defeat at the hands of the Shadow Triad one year ago and working mostly as waiters who battle customers, while Brycen has restarted his acting career at Pokéstar Studios. Brycen can still be fought (With completely different Pokémon) in Pokéstar Studios and the triplets can still be fought as Bonus Bosses and all five make appearances in the Pokémon World Tournament.
  • Artificial Brilliance: The AI has advanced a little since Black and White, and it does still manage to pull off a few tricks. Such as taking advantage of moves that, while they may not deal as much damage as a super effective move, cut down your speed. Guess what they do the next round?
  • Artificial Stupidity: Nate/Rosa, the default partner on the Battle Subway Multi Train, is this trope on legs. They don't seem to understand the Speed stat nor the type chart. For example, if you had a Fire-type and he had a Pokemon with a Fighting move, and you were up against a Watchog and Galvantula, who would they use said Fighting move on? The Galvantula, of course!
  • Ascended Extra: Kyurem, who was not part of the main storyline at all in Black and White, plays a vital part of the main storyline of this one.
  • Ascended Meme: Back in Red and Blue, there was a spot behind Bill's house that appeared to lead somewhere. People began to speculate that it led to a mysterious garden filled with rare, normally uncatchable Pokémon, and that you could only get there by doing labor-intensive tasks such as completing the Pokédex. In Black and White 2, see all the non-event species in the New Unova Pokédex and you gain access to a mysterious garden... you see where this is going. (It doesn't help the ridiculous-sounding nature of it that there's a shiny Haxorus standing out in the open waiting to be captured.)
  • Athletic Arena Level: Big Stadium and Small Court return directly as they were from the first games. Of course the facilities have different trainers this time around.
  • Bad "Bad Acting":
    • Roxie's dad is terrible at his acting attempts when trying to become a movie star. He flubs his lines and fails to actually fulfill the requirements for the first movie.
    • You can purposefully invoke the spirit of terrible acting by picking the wrong lines in the Dialogue Trees of Pokéstar Studio productions.
  • Batman Gambit: At first, it seem like Ghetsis is content to use Kyurem's power to freeze Unova and force the population into submission. However, at the climax, when his son N (revealed to be the leader of Team Plasma's repentant splinter group that is opposing him) flies in to rescue the player on his Legendary Pokemon (either Zekrom or Reshiram, depending on the version) it is clear that not only did Ghetsis expect this, he wanted it. He is then able to combine Kyurem and N's Pokemon into an even stronger version of Kyurem. Unfortunately, this plan is utterly ruined when Kyurem is defeated by the hero, causing Ghetsis to battle you directly with his team.
  • Beat Them at Their Own Game: Driftveil's Mix Tournament. Both side pick one of the opponent's Pokémon to use in the battle against them (retaining the nickname and such). Taken even further with the fact that's it's one of the few tournaments where any Pokémon is eligible. Your opponent could as well pick your Kyurem and destroy your team if you weren't prepared. The "everything is eligible" rule doesn't apply to the Mix Master Tournament, though, which is basically a harder version of Mix Tournament.
  • Big Applesauce: Just like in Black and White, the Unova region is based on New York City, with a bit of New Jersey thrown in.
  • Big Boo's Haunt: Celestial Tower returns of course, but now there is also the Strange House on the outskirts of Lentimas Town.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Right as Ghetsis is about to have Kyurem freeze you with Glaciate, N swoops in on his dragon to stop the attack.
  • Bilingual Bonus: The tablets in the Abyssal Ruins can only be fully deciphered if you know English and think to read them backwards... and shift the letters on the later floors. This also applied to the original Black and White but you were given no decoder in-game to translate the odd symbols to English letters.
  • Blackout Basement: All of the same caves which needed Flash in the original games are back along with the new Victory Road, and the Black Tower.
  • Bonus Boss: With a few exceptions, most of these are post-game, with lots of Legendaries and powerful trainers to fight.
    • Pokémon:
      • Cobalion, Virizion, and Terrakion are encountered out in the open instead of in their caves during the story, and are optional encounters that can be caught late in the game.
      • Regirock, Regice, Registeel, and Regigigas can be found in the Underground Ruins connected to Clay Tunnel.
      • Latias (White 2) and Latios (Black 2) are found in the Dream Yard in the upstairs part of the first area.
      • Uxie, Mespirit, and Azelf can be found specific locations in the overworld after visiting the Cave of Being.
      • Heatran is found in the central chamber of Reversal Mountain after getting the Magma Stone.
      • Cresselia can be encountered in the middle of Marvelous Bridge after getting the Lunar Wing from the Strange House.
      • Reshiram (White 2) or Zekrom (Black 2) can be caught at Dragonspiral Tower after beating them while they are under N's command. You fight him at the ruins of his Castle after taking a short walk with him around the place, and he gives you their Stone to use for the summoning after beating him.
      • Kyurem can be fought (and actually caught this time around) in his chamber at the Giant Chasm after the Reshiram/Zekrom encounter is completed.
    • Trainers:
      • The Pokémon World Tournament features literally every Gym Leader (except Koga and Iris) and every previous Champion (including Red but excluding Iris) from the previous games. Giovanni returns in the Gym Leader tournaments while Blue is fought in the Champion one.
      • Cynthia also returns in Undella Town like in the previous games, albeit with another team.
      • Shigeki Morimoto can be fought in Castelia City just like in the previous games. Along with him is another developer that can be fought: Koji Nishino. They both have two different teams depending on whether you've entered the Hall of Fame or not.
      • Alder can be fought once in his house in Floccesy Town using a team separate from his World Tournament one.
      • Benga, who is Alder's grandson, can be fought at the top of Black Tower/White Treehollow, with a different team and reward depending on the version.
      • The Striaton Gym leaders have retired from being Gym Leaders, but can still be fought as a Dual Boss with you teaming up with one of the brothers to take on the other two.
      • The Shadow Triad can be fought once per season in the eastern part of Icirrus City in a Boss Rush. You have to one in a Single Battle, the next in a Triple Battle, and a last in a Rotation Battle.
      • Colress can be fought once per day in the Plasma Frigate once it parks near the P2 Laboratory.
      • Cheren and Bianca can be fought if you activate the Old Save Bonus by connecting your copy of Black or White. They use their teams from said old save.
      • N can be fought in the ruins of his castle in Victory Road after you obtain or defeat Kyurem in the Giant Chasm during the post-game, and after meeting with him at the Ferris Wheel in Nimbasa City. He uses one of four weather-themed teams depending on the season, namely a Rain team in the Spring, a Sun team in the Summer, a Sand team in the Fall, and a Hail team in the Winter.
  • Bonus Feature Failure: The game introduces Easy and Challenge difficulty levels, which actually alter the opponents' AI level and changes movesets and lineups! However, you only get one (Easy in White 2 and Challenge in Black 2) and you only get it after you beat the Champion. While Challenge mode might see some use if you're playing post game, getting Easy mode at that point is mostly useless. You can get the difficulty modes from someone who already has them unlocked, but if you don't know anyone else like that, you're out of luck.
  • Bookends: One of your earliest matches has you talk to a trainer, but before the match begins, you and the trainer stand at opposing ends of a battlefield, then you both step forward and the battle begins. The battle with the Champion starts that way as well, she challenges you, and you talk to her, and you both move to opposite ends of the battlefield, step forward, and the battle begins.
  • Boring, but Practical:
    • Lillipup and its evolutions are surprisingly helpful throughout the entire game. Lillipup, a Normal-type Com Mon, can be found at the second area the player visits (Floccesy Ranch.) Not long after, the player is handed the TM for Return (a Normal-type move that does more damage the more friendly the user is with the trainer) and a Silk Scarf (a held item boosting the power of Normal-type attacks.) Once the Lillipup has max friendship (not hard to do by just walking around a lot,) you've got a powerful sweeper on your hands that can KO just about anything that doesn't resist Normal-type in one or two hits. This even includes some of the infamously difficult late-game Mons, such as Ghetsis' Hydreigon.
  • Boss in Mook Clothing:
    • Veteran Shaun returns with his team of six strong, well-balanced Pokémon, this time on the bottom floor of Wellspring Cave. This floor contains a few semi-strong Fighting type trainers and requires Flash and Surf to navigate, so the player may be hampered by having exchanged a strong party Pokémon for a weaker "HM Slave" that knows the move. Without Flash, the player could also blindly stumble into his area.
    • In Pinwheel Forest while you're with Cheren, you have to fight two Veterans in a Double Battle, one with Crobat, Magmortar and Leafeon, and one with Ludicolo, Electivire and Forretress. They have very odd selections of attacks, and while Cheren is with you, his Pokémon aren't very strong and die easily, so it's essentially a 2 on 1 fight. And since Veterans have higher AI than most other regular Trainers in the game, expect it to take a while to beat them if you aren't well prepared for them.
    • A Nursery Aide on Route 7 has a Cinccino at a reasonably high level, and with the moves Tickle, Sing and Tail Slap, it can really mess with anything that isn't a Rock- or Steel-type. At least Cinccino has iffy Defenses, but with its very fast speed she can still be problematic if you're not expecting it.
  • Bragging Rights Reward: For beating White 2, you unlock the game's Easy Mode...because clearly if you can beat the game on Normal difficulty, you'll want to play more of it at a lower difficulty, right? Averted for Black 2, where the reward for beating the game is to unlock Challenge (Hard) Mode.
  • Brick Joke:
    • If you paid close attention to both games, you will notice NPC dialogue is rife with this. Things said by NPCs concerning a project or anything in Black and White will show up in this game with interesting results. Most of the time it concerns chatting with the previous protagonist, but there are things like vending machine research, achieving something, or failing to earn the Trio Badge from the Striaton Gym before it closed. A particularly notable case is Ghetsis's first appearance, in which he reverses the Freudian Slip he had in Castelia City in the prequel.
    • Within Black 2 and White 2 itself, there's the Colress Machine. After reaching Castelia City, the north exit is blocked by several Crustle that will not move, until, after defeating Burgh, Colress arrives and uses his device to make them move. Five badges later, as you are trying to get past a cave, you find that the exit is blocked by a Crustle that will not move... meaning you need Colress's help yet again so that he'll give you his Colress Machine. Lampshaded by Colress.
  • Broken Bridge: As usual, events conspire to keep you in or from specific areas until you've finished whatever is required.
    • Black City/White Forest is blocked from both ends. The Northern entrance is blocked by a group of dancers who are there for no reason who won't move until you beat the Champion, while the Eastern entrance has Marvelous Bridge's elevator busted by a wild Rotom and thus locked in the sea-traffic position, also fixed only when you beat the Champion.
    • While not entirely literal, you cannot cross the Skyarrow Bridge because it is "undergoing long-overdue maintenance" until you beat the Champion. This locks the Daycare until the post-game.
    • Tubeline Bridge isn't undergoing maintenance, but it has people coming together to see how many people can fit on the bridge at a time, and it's blocked off until the study is completed, preventing you from getting to Icirrus City until you beat the Champion. (By the way, the maximum number of people that can be held on the bridge is 4,934.)
    • The way to the new area, Clay Tunnel, as well as the entrance to Twist Mountain, respectively by an NPC construction worker and Marshal of the Elite Four.
  • But for Me, It Was Tuesday: With the exception of the Shadow Triad, almost every member of Team Plasma that Hugh encounters doesn't recall or know any details about his sister's Purrloin on the account they stole so many Pokémon and that the event occurred five years ago. They also don't seem to take it as a big deal since they are so common.
  • Bubblegloop Swamp: Once again the Moor of Icirrus outside of winter time.
  • But Thou Must!:
    • The first battle against Kyurem requires you to defeat it; this is especially notable since in Black and White, the But Thou Must! was catching the dragon.
    • When you meet Colress in Castelia City, he asks you to battle him outside of town. Even if you say "no", you still have to battle him when you leave to the north.
    • One instance can be subverted. On Village Bridge, your path will be blocked by a Gentleman who has been scaling for 1000 wins, and he will ask you to battle him and be his 1000th. If you refuse, he won't let you pass until you beat him. You won't have to fight him if you have Surf, however. In fact, if you refuse, he even lampshades the trope and tries to discourage you from using Surf to avoid battling him.
    • The player's mom will ask you if you want a Pokémon/Pokédex at the beginning of the game. If you refuse, she'll reply something along the lines of "What a shock! I'll ask you again." Refusing Bianca when she gives a choice will have her say she must have heard wrong and she'll ask again too.
  • Call-Back:
    • #025 in the Kanto Pokédex is Pikachu, an Electric-type Pokémon. #025 in the New Unova Pokédex is Mareep, also an Electric-type Pokémon.
    • A young lady in northern Humilau City has this to offer: "This dress is comfy and easy to wear..."
    • A rather subtle one. The first pair of Twins you fight, just before the gate to Virbank City, have similar dialogue to the first pair of Twins you fought in Black and White, close to the daycare. In Black and White, one tells you before the fight that "1 + 1 is 2, right?" and, after the fight, that they should've used potions. In Black 2 and White 2, one tells you that "1 + 1 isn't 3" before the fight and, after the fight, laments that they don't know how to use potions.
  • Catchphrase: Hugh's "I'm about to unleash my rage!" when confronted with Team Plasma.
  • Comic-Book Time: The Gym Leaders and Champions you see in the Pokémon World Tournament haven't really changed in the past few years.
  • Common Place Rare: The fishing rod. As with the first games, you don't get it post-game.
  • The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard:
    • Ghetsis' Hydreigon is underleveled, just like in the previous games, and it's actually lower-leveled this time around. Same with Iris', too, except it's a bit higher leveled.
    • Roxie has a Level 18 Whirlipede when it doesn't evolve from Venipede until Level 22.
    • In the downloadable Legendary Pokémon Tournament, Fantina has Origin Forme Giratina holding a Ghost Gem. Giratina can only be in its Origin Forme outside of the Distortion World if it holds the Griseous Orb.
    • Burgh, Janine, Byron and some other trainers have Pokémon with illegal move combinations in the Pokémon World Tournament.
    • Due to an oversight, the downloadable 2012: Master's Division Challenge for the PWT had a Metagross that knew Ice Beam. It was later updated to give it the proper move (Ice Punch).
  • Combat Medic: Just like in Black and White, you can encounter doctors and nurses that will fight you and heal your team afterward.
  • Conspiracy Theorist: The girl that you meet at the Ferris Wheel in the winter if you're using the male player seems to be this; unless she's right and she really does know some dangerous secret that "they" are after her for.
  • Console Cameo: Like the previous games, the player has a Wii in their bedroom. Returning to Nuvema Town to visit the playable characters from the previous games shows they also still have a Wii.
  • Continuity Lockout: Averted; you are refreshed on key events that happened in Black and White. Justified in that Nate and Rosa are not Hilda or Hilbert, and live pretty separated from the rest of Unova, so they likely wouldn't be as familiar with these events as Team Plasma, Cheren, Bianca, or the Gym Leaders would.
  • Continuity Nod: The house in Icirrus City that had the ex-Team Rocket grunt giving you the Rage Candy Bar last game has a couple who are, by their dialogue, ex- Team Aqua and -Team Magma grunts. They also each don't want you to tell the other that they were on their boy/girlfriend's enemy gang at one point.
  • Continuity Porn:
    • If the Memory Link is, certain things the previous protagonist has done will be mentioned by certain characters, such as Drayden mentioning the name of the trainer and the name of the former biker gang on the Tubeline Bridge.
    • The PWT is filled with Gym Leaders and champions from the past installments.
  • Creepy Child: The Strange House, a building where Ghost Pokémon reside, is also the home of a ghost girl. You see her three times while exploring the place; the first two times, she mutters things about darkness and nightmares, and then vanishes. Then, when you find the Lunar Wing in one room, she talks to you, and asks you to give it to a Pokémon before disappearing. The Pokémon you must give it to is Cresselia, who is found on the Marvelous Bridge; if you want to capture it then, you are able to try. You might also see the ghost girl on the bridge, but she vanishes forever if you succeed in capturing Cresslia.
  • Cutting Off the Branches: In the previous games, the player could capture Kyurem, which would implicitly prevent the events of Black 2 and White 2 from occurring. As such, Kyurem was not caught canonically prior to these games. The same applies without plot relevance to Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion, who also appear in both games. It is however averted with Tornadus/Thundurus and the version mascot of the previous games, both of which were apparently caught by the previous protagonist.
    • This is the first time note excluding Orre that a plot-relevant legendary has been catchable earlier in the series by both series chronology and the games' release dates (since Crystal, Emerald and Platinum take place at the same time as the main two games).
    • On Route 7 in Black and White, a hiker will give you an Emolga if you give him a Boldore. His in-game trade in Black 2 and White 2 features him giving you a Gigalith. Boldore evolves into Gigalith if traded, hinting that the original trade did happen.
    • Liberty Island is accessible this time (albeit Victini is no longer in the area). If you, however, have a Victini in your party, it will ask to go out and play around a few seconds in the room where you first caught it in Black and White, suggesting that the previous protagonist did capture it from there and that Victini is having a homecoming of sorts.
  • Dark Reprise: When fighting the fused Kyurem, you can hear snippets of Reshiram's or Zekrom's battle music.
  • Death Mountain: Once again Twist Mountain outside the winter time which returns from the first games but cannot be explored until the aftergame.
  • Death of a Child: Played deadly straight for the first time in the entire core series, as the ghost girl in the Strange House is strongly hinted to have died in a Darkrai defense mechanism Gone Horribly Wrong.
  • Decon-Recon Switch: in a sense, as it's mostly a case of Fridge Logic. Given the franchise's first Com Mons, Rattata and Raticate, are based more specifically on rats (that is, not in the "cute mice" way), these games fittingly (and realistically) introduce them in the sewers under Castelia City - which in turn is based on New York City. However, said sewers also feature a secret exit, leading to a lovely small garden surrounded by skyscrapers, with a tree and a Pokéball-shaped grassy area, which also has some Rattata in it.
  • Department of Redundancy Department: "Just to let you know, my Roggenrola and I are the sturdiest things that were ever sturdy!" - Black Belt Rocky in Seaside Cave.
  • Disc-One Nuke: Freaking everywhere if you know where to look.
    • Floccesy Ranch gives players access to Huge Power Azurill and Riolu early. Huge Power allows the Azurill family to have twice the physical attack power, while Riolu has a powerful Happiness evolution in Lucario which, with a bit of grinding, can be used as early as in Roxie's gym to completely deny her team.
    • You can also get yourself an Arcanine as early as Route 4 as long as you don't mind having to teach it moves via TM and tutoring.
    • On Route 4, there is a Lv 25 Braviary or Mandibuzz depending on the version you're playing and the day, namely Monday in White 2 for Braviary and Thursday in Black 2 for Mandibuzz. They normally level up from their pre-evolved forms at Lv 54, making these ones underleveled but available for most of the game unlike a regular Braviary or Mandibuzz. They both have their Hidden Ability that both of them can put to good use. Mandibuzz gets Weak Armour which drops its Def upon being hit by boosts its Spd, which it can actually put to good use with supportive moves like Tailwind or a boosting move like Nasty Plot, while Braviary gets Defiant, which will boost its already pretty high Atk by two stages if it's afflicted by a stat drop. With abilities like Intimidate or moves like Metal Sound flying around, Braviary can take the stat drops and take advantage of them.
    • For those that got the game early enough, Genesect is one. Its Steel/Bug typing make a lot of early stuff absolute cakewalks, but it loses a bit of its steam later on due to its extreme vulnerability to fire. It's difficult in the battle with Cheren, however, as you need one badge to get it to obey you. Otherwise, the fight will probably go on much longer than anticipated.
    • If you have the Dream Radar, you can get several powerful Pokémon including the aforementioned Riolu and the new forms of the Kami trio- BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE FIRST TOWN!. The best part is that they'll have your Trainer ID, meaning they'll never disobey you. After catching Landorus you can even get the chance to capture the Gen IV version mascots if you have their corresponding game inserted when the Dream Radar is booted. A full team of legendaries as soon as you acquire the Pokédex? It can be done.
    • If you play around with the Pokéstar movies immediately after they're available, you can potentially obtain more items than you know what to do with... items like MAX REVIVES and HYPER POTIONS.
    • N's Pokemon can be a minor one. It may not seem it... until you get a level 35 Darmanitan with his Dream World ability.
      • And every one of them has an IV of 30 in each of their stats.
      • As well as receiving the traded Pokémon EXP bonus.
    • Route 5's Hidden Grotto, which Bianca forces you to check out with her upon trying to enter the route, contains a Minccino with its Dream World ability Skill Link. This enables all multi-hit moves that would normally do between 2-5 hits to always do 5 hits. Since its evolution gets access to some good multi-hit moves (if you have Heart Scales) on top of its STAB Signature Move Tail Slap, you can turn this adorable creature into a vicious killing machine rather quickly. You can acquire this before or after the 4th gym.
    • Not technically Disc 1, but Professor Juniper will give you a Lucky Egg in Celestial Tower, which will make leveling your Pokemon vastly easier. Also, Audino hunting can stack with that.
  • Disconnected Side Area: The lower floors of Relic Castle have filled up with sand since the events of Black and White, blocking them off. Some parts of the lowest floor can still be accessed via the Relic Passage, with only the upper floors being accessible from the old entrance in the Desert Resort.
  • Downer Ending: An in-universe example. When Roxie's dad makes a movie as the Riolu-Man, he acts terribly and fails to defeat the movie's Big Bad, Brycen-Man.
    • You can also pull this on yourself when making a movie by failing the mission objective or your Pokémon fainting. (Unless you have to lose on purpose to achieve the desired ending, which is sometimes the case.)
    • Several of the Strange endings (particularly in the Invaders series) are this.
  • Downloadable Content: Pokémon World Tournament has few tournaments you can download and participate in them.
  • Dr. Jerk: On one of the later floors of the White Treehollow, there's a nurse who outright says she doesn't want to lift a finger to help your Pokemon, and so she'll beat you there and then. Please note you haven't done anything to offend this girl, especially if she spots you, and she merely comes in swinging. Considering her role there is to heal trainers who need it once, it is very jerkish.
  • End of an Age: Metawise, these were the last main series games to use 2D sprites. The series would make the leap to full 3D beginning with the next games.
  • Enemy Civil War: The new Team Plasma follows Ghetsis, while the ex-Team Plasma members follow N. They fight over the course of the game, with the latter taking the Player Character's side.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Shown yet again with Ghetsis during his second Villainous Breakdown. Before you battle him, he insists to himself aloud that Pokémon (alongside "the freak without a human heart" N) aren't sentient and as such can't hate him, only serve him. This is said right in front of the PC, Hugh, two legendary Pokémon, and N, all of whom disagree with him. He also tries to dismiss Colress' research verifying The Power of Friendship, despite having hired Colress himself to study how best to make Pokémon powerful and lead Team Plasma. The final nail in the coffin is when N decides to convince Ghetsis to turn to the good side...

    N: It's hard to call you this, but... father, Pokémon and human beings together take each other to greater heights. They're our partners.


  • Evil Costume Switch: Team Plasma now wear black military-style uniforms with Team Rocket-esque black hats now to go with the revelation of their true agenda. The ex-members headquartered in Driftveil City still often wear their old uniforms, however, and Zinzolin (the only one of the Seven Sages still loyal to Ghetsis) reverts back to his original outfit in the post-game.
  • Fashion Show: Elesa's redesigned gym is now part of a fashion show where trainers have to fight several models on the catwalk before Elesa finally reveals herself at the grand finale.
  • First Town: Aspertia City subverts this by being a city, the first starting town in a Pokémon game to have a gym and Pokémon Center.
  • Fashion Show: The Nimbasa gym battles take place on a cat walk where your opponents pose before activating their pokeballs.
  • Forced Tutorial: As per series tradition. Bianca shows you the ropes this time around.
    • However, a lot of basic stuff, you'll be asked "Do you know how to...?" and can say "Yes" or "no", and they'll just move on.
  • Fusion Dance: Kyurem turns into its Black and White forms by using the "Power Booster" variant of this trope with Zekrom or Reshiram.
  • Future Spandex: A number of characters wear close-fitting spandex.
  • Gainax Ending: Similar to the Downer Ending example above, you can cause these in the Pokéstar Studio movies by meeting the mission objective but not following the script in a particular way. This is also the best possible result, as the audience will regard it as a Moment of Awesome and even give the Pokemon who were in it a special "star" status, with its own animation.
    • To quote one of the directors after such an ending:

      "Cut! I guess? Not even I know what's going on anymore."

  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: In Black 2 at Giant Chasm N's Zekrom saves you with Fusion Bolt from a distance. In the actual Pokémon battle, this move falls under the physical category, and its animation shows the user hitting the opponent note It's one of the few physical moves that do not make contact, though.
  • Game-Breaking Bug: In the Japanese version, Choosing not to follow a certain Zoroark in Victory Road all the way down to N's Castle after seeing it for the first time in post-game events triggers a severe game-breaking bug. Fortunately, it appears to have been fixed with the international release.
  • Go-Karting with Bowser: Fighting Giovanni, the ex-leader of Team Rocket, in the World Tournament. What do you mean he was the leader of a criminal organization? Preposterous!
  • Goldfish Poop Gang: Despite being the main threat of the story, Team Plasma's fighting abilities have declined significantly since BW. While most of the grunts are more than willing to fight you, many of them aren't exactly the sharpest tools in the shed. Most of the time when you defeat them, they're astounded to find out how the pokemon they stole were utterly useless to them, and whine about how they lost.
  • Guest-Star Party Member: You will occasionally run into Hugh, Cheren, or Bianca in situations where they need to team up with you. They'll act as Multi Battle partners for a short time and heal your team after each fight.
  • Guide Dang It!:
    • If both your Pokemon faint in the same turn in a double battle, you're supposed to select a new Pokemon, then select which fainted Pokemon you want it to replace. There is nothing in the game to suggest this course of action—people who attempt to simply select two Pokemon will be told that the second one can't switch out, which has led many players to believe they're experiencing a glitch.
    • Good luck figuring out the Dropped Item sidequest without a guide or a lot of patience. You find an Xtranssceiver near Nimbasa City's Ferris Wheel, and its owner calls you and promises to keep in touch with you. But for that to happen, you need to step on FIFTEEN SPECIFIC TILES spread throughout the center-hexagon of Unova, and no two tiles are in the same route/city, and the owner has to call you ten times. After that, you have to call the owner back from the same areas where s/he called you...fifty times. note Simply going to the area isn't even a guarantee by itself; one may have to move around before the call kicks in. Only after doing all of this will you get the aforementioned daily rewards. However this is one of the most reliable methods of getting Rare Candies in the games.
    • Recommending people to shops in Join Avenue can sometimes be this. While a visitor's wants can usually be guessed pretty easily, sometimes their comments can be very vague like, "I want to go there!", or "Take me somewhere! Anywhere!" note Unlike the much safer "Please take me to a shop you recommend!" but it'll turn out that you have to recommend them to a specific shop. Very annoying to do without a guide or Save Scumming.
    • Finally averted for evolutions. You can call the professor on the Xtransceiver, and she'll tell you how to evolve any Pokémon in your party. Likewise, if you call Bianca, she can tell you how high your Pokemon's happiness is, which helps for the likes of those that evolve by that method.
    • The spots to call Yancy/Curtis are not marked. And once one has found ten of the fifteen spots, the remaining five aren't automatic calls. Better yet, the call spot jumps around from day to day and after one uses one spot, it could move to another location. It takes activating the device to even check this matter at all.
  • Hailfire Peaks: Reversal Mountain is a volcano in both versions, but in Black 2 it's a dormant volcano full of water.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Several members of Team Plasma, including Rood of the Seven Sages, left the group and reformed and are headquartered in Driftveil City. They have taken to looking after abandoned Pokémon and assist the Player Character in his or her mission to defeat Team Plasma.
    • N is also now on the good side, but unlike much of the other reformed members of Plasma, he is actively defying his adopted father, Ghetsis.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: On Challenge Mode, Marshal's Conkeldurr has a Flame Orb, which burns it the turn after it enters battle. In the initial battle, it has the Guts ability, which boosts its Attack by 50% if it's poisoned, paralyzed or burned and negates the Attack reduction of burn. It keeps said Flame Orb in the rematch...however, there it has the Sheer Force ability instead, which boosts the power of moves with beneficial secondary effects in exchange for removing them. In short, his own item will cause him to do less damage. In the original Black and White it had Sheer Force in both the initial battle and the rematch note And in both games, none of its moves actually benefit from it, so it's uncertain if this was a glitch, a programming error or intentional.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: In addition to the aforementioned female Ace Trainer in the Sports Complex from the first games note the trainer roster is the same in B2/W2, but at slightly lower levels in normal mode, one female Ace Trainer in Chargestone Cave says that she, despite being known as an Ace Trainer, doesn't feel like one, because she "just loves Pokemon and just wants to be strong".
  • Irony: Zinzolin, one of the top brass of Team Plasma, states many times that he hates cold weather (justified because he almost froze to death trying to hide in the Driftveil Cold Storage during the previous games). Nonetheless, he not only willing to help carry out Plasma's plan, which involves freezing all of Unova solid, but his Pokémon team consists entirely of Ice-Types.
  • Jerkass: A Socialite in Humilau City who, if you speak to her in her house, asks you to walk with her Mienfoo for a little while. She becomes pretty arrogant if you try to leave, watch TV or look in the trash can. (She gives you a Pearl for doing this, which is worth 700, or slightly more if you sell it to the guy in Iccirus City; clearly, there are better ways to earn money.)
    • The Gentleman on Village Bridge with a 999 win streak acts like this if you refuse to battle him, even saying that there's no way to get to the other side of the bridge without battling him, and attempting to discourage you from using Surf to cross the river, then pushes you back. He even does this if you've already crossed to the other side of the bridge, which is ironic.
    • Ghetsis, once again, proves that he is a very extreme example.
  • Joisey: The extended portion of Unova, which includes the new protagonists' hometown, is based around where New Jersey should be. There are several towns and routes in this area, though the only way to reach the rest of Unova from it is via boat, flying, or subway.
  • Lava Adds Awesome: Reversal Mountain is filled with burning hot magma in Pokémon White 2 (whereas in Pokémon Black 2 it has pools of water).
    • And of course the Heatran that shows up there later, once you have the Magma Stone.
  • Lethal Lava Land: Reversal Mountain in Pokémon White 2 is a lava filled volcano. In Pokémon Black 2 it is a hot spring cave full of boiling water.
  • Lighter and Softer: The game ditches the complex moral/social issues of its predecessor for a more typical "save Unova from the evil team" plot with less interference from N and Ghetsis (the main sources of said issues), up until the Wham Episode where Ghetsis tries to freeze you solid, N saves your ass, and N tries to turn Ghetsis to the light side only for the villain to completely lose his mind.
  • Lily-Pad Platform: Featured prominently in Marlon's Gym.
  • Living Legend: Sabrina. She seems to have gotten a lot of fans in Unova now that she's started her acting career. Quite a few people at PokeStar Studios admire her, and a guy at the PWT calls her "Queen Sabrina".
    • In fact, if the player takes advantage of PokeStar Studios and avoid the Bad Endings, he or she can pretty much become the same. The more movies you make, the more fans you get, and you can actually get valuable and hard-to-find items from these fans, eventually gaining access to your own private dressing room if you complete all the Good Endings (which has no tangible benefit in regards to gameplay, but is still interesting.)
  • Loads and Loads of Characters: The expanded Unova Dex Includes 301 Pokémon, which is a little less than half of all Pokémon total at the time of release (649). You encounter and are able to catch nearly all of these just during the main questline, with even more catchable postgame. On the human side, all the gym leaders and champions from the first four generations (32 leaders and 5 champions as well as Red are battle-able in the Pokemon World Tournament).
    • Taken Up to Eleven with all Pokémon you can catch in-game (be it in regional Pokédex or not). When counting both games, you get over 470 note Not all are available directly (eg. Lotad as you need to breed Lombre, but still...) and few are limited by gender, not version Pokémon to catch. That's just few Pokémon short of the National Pokédex in fourth Generation!
      • And counting the tie-in Dream World and Dream Radar, the number of available Pokemon is upped to 586. And of the remaining 63, only 4 of 'em aren't starters or legendaries note Pichu, Pikachu, Raichu, and Unown
      • And even then, this time around, one can get a seen entry of Pikachu and Raichu, if one battles every possible trainer (Pikachu is owned by a kid near the Daycare center, while Raichu is owned by the maid on the Royal Unova), so use of the GTS alone guarantees the ability to demand at least one member of each family barring the starters, legendaries, and Unown.
  • Locomotive Level: The Battle Subway returns here just the same as it was in the previous games.
  • Long Song, Short Scene: The epic music for Route 10, fitting of the last leg of your journey is only played in a certain house accessible only during one of the 4 seasons, and stops when you leave. Why? Because Route 10 is gone.
    • To a lesser extent, the music that is used after N's dragon saves you from Kyurem's attack, which was also played in between entering N's Castle in the first games. In there, you at least had control over your character (allowing you to reorganize your team and what not), but here the scene passes by while you're pressing A and you have no control over it, so it got arguably worse treatment here.
  • Luck-Based Mission: The Gym Leaders section of the Pokémon World Tournament. You can only have three Pokémon on your person when battling, and it is difficult, if not impossible, to prepare for every possible type you'd face. You simply have to hope you encounter Gym Leaders favorable to the types you have on your team.
    • The Rental Tournament is even worse. In all the others you at least get to pick Pokemon you raised yourself and whose moves you already know. The Rental Tournament gives you a choice of 6 random Pokemon whose movesets and hold items are set and may not be very good (one possible Pokemon is a Simisage with no STAB attacks).
    • And the World Leaders tournament is worse than the region leaders tournament. At least with the region leaders, you have a better idea of who might be showing up and can prepare slightly better.
    • Getting all the way to the end of the Battle Subway and the Battle Institute also depends a lot on luck, because the opponents and the teams they have (except for those of the two Subway Bosses) are chosen at random.
    • If you're unfortunate to suffer from the Random Number God's wrath during a Pokéstar filming, enjoy refilming if you want a decent ending. Confusion, Critical Hits, and misses, oh my. Ghost Eraser 4 is one of the worst at this is that getting a good ending (slaying the Majin) requires you to not screw up at all and pray you choose the right lines.
  • Manual Misprint: Intentional in-game example. Reversal Mountain is a dormant volcano in Black 2 but, true to its name, has the Town Map description of an active one and vice-versa in White 2. invoked
  • Massive Multiplayer Crossover: Of a sort. A facility in the game has previous Champions and Gym Leaders available to battle. Could also double as a Nostalgia Level.
  • Minigame: At least one, which seems to involve popping or at least tapping balloons with Bianca's, Cheren's, and Professor Juniper's faces on them.
  • The Mole: One of the Team Plasma goons is actually an ex-Team Plasma spy for the good guys. He helps you a couple of times, letting you know where Team Plasma is or what to do.
  • Mood Whiplash: After getting the 7th Gym Badge is an intense, semi-climactic scene where Team Plasma freezes Opelucid City with their airship's ice cannon and sends grunts and the Shadow Triad to find the hidden DNA Splicers. After those battles, you end up in Humilau City, which is a resort town filled with happy vacationers and a laid-back Gym Leader. Your rival won't let you continue the chase until after you get the final badge.
  • Mugging the Monster: In Black Tower, a school boy NPC wants to build a cheat guide for the tower when he beats it. When the player beats him, he will say the first rule is avoid the person with the bag.
  • Multiple Endings: Depending on your dialogue choices, the movies you act in for Pokéstar will have heartwarming Happy Endings, tragic Downer Endings, or just plain weird Gainax Endings.
  • Musical Pastiche: Theme music associated with the Pokémon World Tournament is generally based on the main series theme melody-wise, but have instrumentation reminiscent of the Super Smash Bros. series.
  • My Rules Are Not Your Rules: Inverted the first time you take part in the Driftveil Tournament. Your opponents have all their pokemon's levels reduced to 25, while yours aren't. This does not happen in subsequent visits.
  • Mythology Gag: Several, mostly related to Gold and Silver.
    • Just like in Gold and Silver, the Flying-type legendary trio from the previous games is uncatchable.
    • Red makes his second appearance (discounting remakes) as an NPC.
    • In Gold and Silver, the previous Champion became the eighth Gym Leader in Kanto. In these games, it's the other way around, as the eighth Gym Leader from White became the Champion. Doubles as a call back to Wallace being the Champion in Emerald.
    • When the Plasma Frigate freezes Opelucid City, the animation looks very similar to the firing of Lawrence's airship cannon, from Pokemon: The Movie 2000.
      • On that note, Marriland commented in one of his White 2 videos that Colress' design bears a striking resemblance to that of Lawrence himself.
  • Never Say "Die": Averted in some minor cases, where some villagers say they were born in where they live and will die where they live, as well as in one of the Pokéstar movies (Love and Battles).
    • Should be noted that Kyurem almost freezing the player at Ghetsis' command is NOT a case of this, but is instead people mistaking the original Japanese text for something else.
  • No Fair Cheating: If you use a Walk Through Walls cheat on the Plasma Frigate to avoid entering the password or disabling the force fields, once you reach Colress' room, he will have the team he uses after you've beaten the Elite Four and Champion full of Level 72+ Pokémon. And you're more than likely gonna get slaughtered.
    • The new Kyurem forms can't be traded on the GTS normally. But if you attempt to get one into your game using computer software and then unfuse it, you'll be left with two bad eggs because there's no existing data for the unfused Kyurem and Tao legendary on your save. Pokecheck has even blocked downloads of the new forms for just that reason.
    • The problem from Black and White with being locked out of the dream world if you use Action Replay codes to complete your Pokedex is still present.
  • No-Nonsense Nemesis: Ghetsis has learned a lot from the last game and doesn't bother entertaining your character with a gloating speech or a Pokemon battle. He opts to kill you right on the spot by ordering Kyurem to take you out with Glaciate. If it weren't for N coming to the rescue, the game is basically over at that point.
  • Nostalgia Level: The Pokémon World Tournament allows the player to battle the gym leaders, Elite Four, and champions of previous games in the series.
  • No OSHA Compliance: Skyla's Gym is guilty of this once again, having gigantic fans blow the PC around tiny walkways hanging from the ceiling of an airplane hangar. Though at least the fan at the very end blows you straight out of the Gym after you beat Skyla. Convenient!
    • This is sort of lampshaded by your mother if you call her in Mistralton. (She references the previous version of the gym, but seeing as it's still not exactly safe...)
  • NPC Roadblock: This being a Pokémon game, having these is almost a prerequisite by now, though Black 2's/White 2's are either entirely on the blatant or ridiculous ends of the scale. You can tell that Game Freak has stopped being subtle almost to the point of parody.
    • A number of NPCs will railroad you into fulfilling a certain task before letting you proceed with the main story. Unlike past games however, most of them will explicitly blurt out what that condition is after stating why they're there; usually it requires obtaining a Badge from the Gym you may or may not have noticed in the previous town or two.
    • One rather blunt example is a female Ace Trainer in Nimbasa City who blocks the door to the Battle Institute; as if to add insult to injury, she only shows up after you try to enter the building even though all you're doing at the time is probably just trying to see what's inside. The condition to make her move? Beat the Champion, of course!
    • The Marine Tube is blocked off by some eccentric Janitor who insists on it being completely spotless before letting a single soul through. There's an NPC in the waiting area who is there just to be the first through the Marine Tube. That's right, not even the regular NPCs are safe from NPC Roadblocks in this game!
    • One bridge is being blocked by an NPC, who claims that they are testing "to see how many people it can hold at one time" Naturally, the test concludes at the precise moment you beat the champion.
    • Probably the silliest one in the game is the string of seven NPCs lined up and "dancing" in a row inside the gate between Route 14 and Black City/White Forest. Their reason? "Today, we're dancing for no reason. ♪ Someday, we'll disappear for no reason." Take a wild guess when they disappear.
  • Numbered Sequel: A first note Pokémon Gold and Silver would have been the true first examples for the handheld main series games, had they retained their Working Title of Pocket Monsters 2: Gold and Silver. for the handheld main series games. They also manage to follow the "pairing" example set by their many predecessors, resulting in two "2"s.
  • Off-Model: While the trailer is gorgeously animated, there is one shot where a Seviper is missing the tip of its tail.
  • Old Save Bonus
    • Like previous Pokemon games on the DS, once you have access to the Poke Transfer you can import Pokemon from your Generation IV game files.
    • Use the "Memory Link" feature to sync a copy of Black or White to Black 2 or White 2 and this will unlock a variety of minor features, such as cutscenes revealing more characters' backstory, and some of the events that occured between the games; certain characters (like N) will also start referring to your previous player character by name. You can also receive a gift of all the Musical Props you had in your first game, encounter and catch the very same Pokémon N released back into the wild (they shine when encountered), and battle Cheren and Bianca's original Black and White rival teams (though unlike the other Bonus Bosses in the PWT, they cannot be rebattled).
    • After catching Landorus in the Dream Radar 3DS app, if you play it with a Generation IV cartridge inserted you will receive an item that lets you catch that game's version mascot (Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Ho-oh, and Lugia), complete with their Dream World ability which is otherwise unobtainable. Each Dream Radar save can only send one of each of these, and only to games that haven't already received them.
  • One Game for the Price of Two: Largely averted, as with the original Black and White, though many of the differences (aside from version exclusive Pokémon) between the two versions are now available in either.
    • The Pokémon Dream Radar, however, is currently the only way to get access to the new forms of the Kami Trio.
    • Additionally, there are some other differences between the games other than Pokémon. Like with previous games, some places are different (like Reversal Mountain or Opelucid City) between versions. Sometimes the items itself found in the area are different! You get a free Flame Orb in White 2 or a Toxic Orb if playing Black 2 (both in the same place). To get the other one you need to buy them with Battle Points.
      • One interesting example of this is Route 4, which looked identical in the previous versions but now looks very different depending on whether you're playing Black 2 or White 2.
    • Reversal Mountain in Black 2 is a dormant volcano full of water, but in White 2 it is an active volcano full of lava.
    • Black 2 still contains Black City but it now has Black Tower. White 2 still has White Forest, as well as White Treehollow.
  • One-Letter Name: N again. Also, one participant in the Pokémon World Tournament is named X.
  • Orange/Blue Contrast: In addition to the black/white contrast, the box art for each version has this. Black Kyurem is black-blue (for electricity), while White Kyurem is white-red (for fire).
    • Also appears in the design of the new Badge Check Gates near Victory Road, coupled with the aforementioned black/white contrast.
  • Orcus on His Throne: Compared to last game where he was The Man in Front of the Man and thus semifrequently seen throughout, Ghetsis only appears in-person in this game shortly before the battle with him.
  • Overly Long Gag: Not talking to the Medal Guy for a while can end up being this.
  • Palmtree Panic: Once again, Undella Town being a beachside resort town. There is also a second beachside town in the form of Humilau City, which is accessed via the Marine Tube from Undella Town.
  • Permanently Missable Content:
    • With the Gen V iteration of the Dream World being shut down in January 2014, a few of the medals associated with obtaining Dream World Pokemon have become permanently unobtainable. In order to get all of these medals, you needed to have brought over 100 Pokemon.
    • The ability to change your C-Gear and PokéDex skins could only be done through the Global Link, which shut down at the same time as the Dream World.
  • Post-End Game Content: Seriously, just count the number of NPC Roadblocks in the game as you play through it. If they aren't along the Plotted Line, they're probably cordoning off an area containing this.
    • The last part of the Unova Pokedex note 275-297 contains Pokemon only found in post-game areas. Prior to beating the Elite 4, the only Pokemon in this section who can be logged as seen without trading are the Unova Dragons and Toxicroak.
  • Previous Player-Character Cameo: Red reappears in the World Tournament. Hilbert/Hilda, on the other hand, are nowhere to be found despite being mentioned often (even by name if you Memory Link'd with Black 1/White 1); however, there is unused coding for a battle with their team from a Memory Link'd BW1.
  • Product Placement: In the player character's home, you can find a Nintendo Wii next to the TV.
  • Punny Name: Still just as strong as ever. One important mention is the return of Dr. Technic Al' Machine (TM).
  • Puzzle Boss: Completing the movies properly at Pokéstar Studios requires some strategic thought.
  • Puzzle Reset: Pokemon Breeders. Even after you've beat them, when you leave the location they're in, they'll challenge you again if you pass by their line of sight.
    • Suicidal Overconfidence: They become this later - Lv. 16 Drilbur and Lv. 16 Marill versus Level 65 Lucario or worse. While this is generally standard for every Pokemon game, it's particularly notable with the breeders, who challenge you everytime you pass by; they have to remember you by some point.
  • Rags to Riches: Driftveil City looked pretty dull in the original Black and White, but ever since Clay has made it big, the whole city is filled to the brim with hotels and refurbished buildings (except the ex-Team Plasma members' building), not to mention his biggest creation yet, the Pokémon World Tournament.
  • Rainbow Speak: While the game normally lacks this, there is a single incidence where the word 'Kyurem' is highlighted in a person's dialogue bubble.
    • Additionally, N shouting a command to save you from Kyurem's icicles is colored blueish in Black 2 and reddish in White 2.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Two tough-looking thugs challenge you to a battle and then send out the adorable Petilil and Cottonee, they compliment your cute Pokémon after you beat them.
  • Rearrange the Song: With a couple exceptions, all the returning battle themes have been rearranged, and are generally a little more hectic and action-packed than before, Team Plasma's battle theme in particular. Each Gym also gets its own version of the Gym theme.
  • Saved for the Sequel: The story directly picks up from the ending of the previous games.
  • Scenery Porn: From Aspertia City's lookout.
    • Also, like the Skyarrow Bridge from the original B/W, the Marine Tube. It gets even better when it's night.
    • Humilau City is just gorgeous, especially the water surrounding it.
  • Schrödinger's Player Character:
    • Like in Black and White, the player character who is not selected appears as an NPC in the Battle Subway. You can team up with them in Multi Battles there.
    • Hugh's starter Pokémon actually isn't one he received from the professor; it was hatched from an egg. Its identity, however, isn't revealed until after you pick your Pokémon and he has a battle with you, where it'll coincidentally be the Unovan starter that has the type advantage over yours.
  • Shall I Repeat That?: Bianca asks this after explaining the Habitat List upgrade for the Pokédex. It would seem that Bianca is related to Kaepora Gaebora as the cursor defaults to "Yes", forcing those unfortunate enough to have been mashing the A button to accidentally make her repeat herself. This was particularly annoying for those playing the Japanese versions who didn't even know what was being said.

    "Would you like to hear my explanation again?"
    Yes ←

  • Shark Tunnel: The Marine Tunnel. Pokémon such as Mantine and Wailord can be seen swimming overhead.
  • Shifting Sand Land: Once again, Route 4 and the Desert Resort. Now there is also Lentimas Town and the exterior of Reversal Mountain which take on the appearance of a desert town.
  • Ship Level: Once again the Royal Unova. This time it can be sailed on immediately when the player first reaches Castleia City. There is also the Team Palsma Frigate, which takes the form of an industrialized flying ship.
  • Shout-Out:
    • The default male player name is Nate and your rival is Hugh, except he's not antagonistic or brainwashed.
    • The person in the house that shows you pictures of the Kamis (to complete your Pokedex) shoves the pictures at you with a declaration of "Feast yer eyes!"
    • Hugh, the player's rival in Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, declares "Come at me!" prior to a battle, which is probably the closest that the series will come to referencing the meme spawned/popularized by Jersey Shore. Colress says the same thing in the Plasma Frigate.
    • There's a Guitarist called Billy Jo.
    • The Trainers in Elesa's new Gym are named after Nikola Tesla, Edmond Fremy/John Ambrose Fleming, and Andre-Marie Ampere (all electrical scientists).
    • One Trainer in Reversal Mountain that challenges you to a Triple Battle says she's going to name her strategy to attack a single target with all three Pokémon the "Jetstream Attack".
    • If you link the Memory Link to a Black or White game save that has gotten up to the Jet Badge, you get to see a conversation between Elesa and Skyla about bad jokes, during which Elesa responds to Skyla's "Surely..." statement with "And don't call me Shirley!".
    • In addition to the two mentions of the namesake Trainers above, there's also Black Belts Rocky and Drago.
    • Directors at Pokéstar Studios called John Pokénter, David Pokénch, and Takashi Pokemi.
    • After you finish all the movies at Pokéstar Studios, you get access to a dressing room. In that dressing room are titles of a bunch of old movie scripts. All of the titles are puns on famous stories like A Tale of Two Skitty, The Reluctant Dragonite, Rip Van Dwebble, Galvantula's Travels, Enspoinklopedia Brown and Snivy in Ivyland.
    • Elesa's gym theme: when Elesa makes her entrance, and the traditional Gym tune kicks in, you can hear that the soundfont used borrows some vocal bits from "Dancer In The Street" note (Heard in The World Ends with You when fighting Pig Noise.).
    • There is an Artist whose name is Gough, and he has a Sunflora as his Pokémon.
    • In the Opelucid Gym, there is a Trainer called Denae.
    • One of the Trainers you'll find in the Pinwheel Forest when you challenge her starts off with "Everybody, SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!!" Adding to it, the Preschooler you fight along with her is named Ike.
    • A Plasma Grunt in frozen Opelucid City calls you "a bother! Bother, bother, bother!"
    • You are challenged by Nurse Dixie!
    • "You are challenged by Ace Trainer Lucca!"
    • Godzilla's leitmotif can be heard during the beginning of Kyurem's battle music as well as the title screen.
    • On the Variety TV channel, a program called The Pokémon Whisperer can be watched, a blatant Shout-Out to The Dog Whisperer.
    • Champion Iris' stage has something on her chamber that resembles four planets revolving around the Sun, similar to one of the dungeons in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. Bonus points for Iris herself is symbolized as the Sun and having the space princess motif, just like the ultimate summon of the same name in the aforementioned game.
    • In the dressing room of Pokéstar Studios, you can find a script for a movie called Galvantula's Travels 2: Eelektrik Boogaloo.
  • Show Within a Show: The player is able to act in film serials produced by Pokéstar Studios. Many of them are sci-fi tokusatsu series.
  • Slippy-Slidey Ice World: The new Team Plasma harnesses Kyurem's power due to plans to turn Unova into this. They succeed with Opelucid City. Of course there is also Icirrus City and its surrounding areas in the winter just like in the previous game.
  • Source Music: Roxie's gym's background music is provided by the band members in-universe. Beating each one strips away instruments from the song, culminating in defeating the Gym Leader, which leaves the Gym dead silent.
  • Spelling Song: Roxie's band sings out "D, O, G, A, R, S, Dogars!" note The Japanese name for Koffing They spell Pokémon in the English version.
  • Spiritual Successor: Black 2 and White 2 are loose equivalents to Pokémon Gold and Silver in that they serve as direct sequels to a fresh generation, add more Pokémon to the regional Pokédex, and make many of their predecessors' early areas visitable in the postgame. The main differences are that B2W2 take place in the same region as their predecessors and are part of the same generation, and the "new" Pokémon introduced are actually older Pokémon not native to Unova.
  • Suddenly Speaking: Due to the way Pokéstar Studios works, Nate and Rosa are now the first player characters to talk!
  • Sword of Plot Advancement: Averted thoroughly. For the first time, it is actually impossible to obtain the version mascot/legendary before completing the game (without cheating, of course). The version's dragon owned by N and Kyurem can only be caught after beating the Elite Four and are battled at the usual post-game Legendary levels (level 70), well after the rest of the plot has been resolved. And it's only by capturing both that you get the special, untradeable item that lets you fuse them into the version's mascot, so simply trading the two over from another game beforehand won't work.
  • Take That!: There's an Ace Trainer that you can fight in Chargestone Cave, who boasts about the fact that he's created the perfect team with the help of the Internet. After defeating him, he admits that he lost because he just took someone else's idea of building teams instead of coming up with it himself. How interesting...
    • To add on to this, Roxie herself mocks you in the World Tournament if you're guilty of doing the same thing.
  • Temple of Doom: The Relic Castle. Unlike the previous games, the surface entrance has since been buried by sand, so it can only be accessed from its deeper levels via the Relic Passage. Also, this game now has the Underground Ruins accessed within Clay Tunnel, where you can find and battle the three Regis. The Abyssal Ruins return from the first game just as they were.
  • Tempting Fate: After you defeat Zinzolin in Opelucid City in front of the Gym, Drayden gets the DNA Splicers, and says you and him are fortunate that Team Plasma didn't get their hands on them. Then one of the Shadow Triad shows up and manages to snag it from you. Yeah, nice going, genius.
  • The Maze: The Abyssal Ruins return from the first game. Still only 500 steps to get through.
  • Theme Naming: There are models named after electrical scientists Nikola (Tesla), (John Ambrose) Fleming, and (Andre-Marie) Ampere in Elesa's Gym. There are also two Black Belts named Rocky and Drago.
    • The Nimbasa Gym junior trainers are all named after famous inventors/engineers. Nikola is named after Serbian-American engineer Nikola Tesla, from whom she also gets her Japanese name; Fleming is named after English physicist John Ambrose Fleming, while her Japanese name Frémy comes from the French chemist Edmond Frémy; and Ampère is named after French physicist André-Marie Ampère. Two of them are also SI units: tesla for magnetic flux density and ampere for electric current.
  • Time Skip: The games pick up two years after the end of Black and White, the shortest of the series' three known time skips. The two biggest changes from this that have taken place are Unova's geographical changes and the presence of new Gym Leaders and a new Champion.
  • Timed Mission: There are two:
    • The Royal Unova. To win the prize, you have to locate and defeat all the trainers (the number varies depending on the day) within a time limit. The more the trainers, the better the prize you get for successfully defeating all of them. Unlike the its equivalent in Black and White, you can take the cruise before completing the main storyline, and the trainers are easier then they are after you do so.
    • The Abyssal Ruins. Like before, you can only take a limited amount of steps before you're kicked out, meaning there isn't enough time to even come close to getting all the treasures in one trip. The ultimate goal is to gain the Relic Crown (worth 300,000 to the billionaire who buys Relics), and to do that, you must take the most direct route possible, which is very hard to do without a map.
  • Took a Level in Badass:
    • Meta-example. Even though the trailer is for the games, it's anime-styled. And the normal anime, when compared to the trailer, is... meh.
      • This works for the male protagonist, too; while many fans were at first disappointed with his goofy appearance, the trailer manages to make him look quite badass.
    • Iris — minor character in Black, Gym Leader in White, League Champion in the sequels.
    • Kyurem's new forms. They have 170 in their main attacking stat. Black Kyurem has 170 for its base Attack, and White Kyurem has 170 for its base Special Attack.
      • To elaborate, 170 as an Attack/Special Attack stat is second only to Attack Forme Deoxys, also the second one ever to best Mewtwo's 154, leaving that one with the third highest at this point.
      • The Base stat total for each forme of Kyurem is 700. The only Pokémon with a higher base stat total is Arceus, the creator of the Pokémon universe (Who has 720).
    • N Harmonia. He's leading a rebellion against Ghetsis with his Legendary Dragon.
    • In a way, the entire lower peninsula of Unova counts as well. What was once the location of the starting town is now only open post-game, full of powerful trainers.
      • The former Noob Cave of Wellspring Cave is now tougher than Challenger's Cave was!
  • Tree Trunk Tour: White Treehollow, an area exclusive to White 2, a postgame level-grinding facility located in the White Forest. It is located in a giant tree, and the player can battle other strong trainers and progress up the tree. Its counterpart in the slightly more technologically forward Black 2 universe is Black Tower.
  • Tsundere: The male PC's Spring date on the Ferris Wheel is a Type A mixed with heavy Genki Girl traits. She is energetic, verbally abrasive and haughty about being "Nimbasa's Feral Liepard", and is completely willing to battle. Of course, this vanishes as soon as you get on the Ferris Wheel where she is afraid of being high up.
  • Unlockable Difficulty Levels: Beating the games will unlock new difficulty settings depending on the version: Easy Mode for White 2 and Challenge Mode for Black 2. You can transfer the new modes to the opposite version via the Unova Link.
  • Unsettling Gender Reveal: One of the Ferris Wheel dates. The summer Nursery Aid is a boy. Naturally, the English translations took this out.
  • Updated Re-release: Averted! For the first time since the series' debut, a main series pair of games is getting a direct sequel instead of a Director's Cut-esque re-release of the original games. While there had been sequels before, this is the first time there has been no re-release of paired games with a sequel.
  • Up to Eleven: You thought the Rare Candies were awesome? Think again. According to an English trailer, Join Avenue can have Wonder Dessert which (apparently) raises a Pokémon's level by three, and Wonder Dinner which raises it by eight. For comparison, the best thing in that category so far was Golden Seed from Mystery Dungeon series, raising the level by five. Well yeah, they cost a lot more than other items (Dessert was priced at 43650, Dinner at 93120).
  • Variable Mix:
    • Like in Black and White, area music can change by interacting with instrument-playing NPCs.
    • Roxie and her two Trainers form a three-piece band that performs in Virbank Gym. As you beat them, they stop contributing to the background music.
    • The Nimbasa Gym theme adds more layers to the music until it's a thumping club tune worthy of the catwalk.
  • Wake-Up Call Boss: Clay, who is arguably harder in this game than he was in the previous one. Your Rival warns you outside the Driftveil Gym that he's tough, and he's not kidding. Going up against three Pokémon that know Bulldoze is very hard, even if you have Type advantage.
    • N's Darmanitan is easily the toughest of his Pokémon. It's the second highest leveled of them (35 note Behind a Lv. 55 Woobat in Wellspring Cave), and is found in an area usually full of Pokémon whose levels are only in the late 10s/early 20s.
      • Not as much if you use Memory Link later on, but if you do it early enough, Darmanitan can and will knock out your whole party, especially since it comes with Flare Blitz. Doesn't help that it can be pretty unexpected note if you didn't watch Black & White's opening, since it was never in any of N's in-game teams.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: The new Team Plasma's grunts still claim to be fighting for Pokémon equality, while the top brass are much more open about their true goals this time. After the end of the game, the grunts that do fall into this category end up joining Colress on the Plasma Frigate.
  • Willfully Weak: Cheren's usage of many differently leveled Pokémon, combined his dialogue with Alder about his new Gym Leader position, implies that Gym Leaders may actively hold back against challengers. The intent seems to be that they are to challenge trainers, not curb-stomp them. Cheren also comments that he could've won if he'd had his regular team with him after you get your badge from him, confirming this idea even more.
  • World Sundering: Due to earthquakes, erosion, and human development, Unova has greatly expanded over the two years. Some areas are new and connect to other places, like Clay Tunnel which connects to Twist Mountain, and Ruin Passage which connects to Relic Castle. On the other hand, some areas are gone, like Route 10, which is closed off, and Challenger's Cave, whose cave entrance has collapsed. The old Victory Road has also collapsed, but in its place is a new Victory Road that connects to the Pokemon League from the east, only briefly passing by the old Victory Road's top section.

    Tropes Exhibited In PokéStar Studios

  • Added Alliterative Appeal: The Unova Defense Force from Big Monster call the non-robotic Tyranitars "Titanic Tyranitars".
  • All Your Base Are Belong to Us: This happens offscreen in one of the bad endings of Invaders 1. Specifically, after running out of Pokémon to fight with, the protagonist radios for backup. However, the response from HQ is that the aliens had hit multiple locations simultaneously worldwide, including the UDF base! Their last order is for the protagonist to escape while they still can. It's surprisingly well done, compared to the Strange and other bad ending.
  • Amazing Technicolor Battlefield: In the finale of the Brycen-Man saga, you start the battle in a city street. Then you are taken up to the sky. Then into space. Then in front of a black hole. Doesn't get more amazing than this.
  • And Then John Was a Zombie: Implied to happen to the protagonist in the strange endings to the first two movies in the Red Fog of Terror series.
  • Animal Mecha: You can make a movie about fighting a Mecha Tyranitar in Pokéstar Studios.
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Some of your opponents in the movies at Pokéstar Studios, including a giant woman (The Giant Woman!) and a Mecha-Tyranitar (Big Monster).
  • Bad Future: In the Timegate Traveller Pokéstar movie, Bug Pokémon now control humans instead of viceversa. The 'trainer' you meet in particular (a Ledian) is either abusive or fantastically racist against the humans.
    • In the Strange ending to the third Timegate Travellers movie, the time machine ends up malfunctioning and sends the protagonist (and possibly Ledian) even further into the future, where robots have taken over.
  • Bittersweet Ending: The conclusion to Everlasting Memories. F-00 is destroyed, but the young scientist is now able to live like a regular child.
  • Body Horror: Remember what happened to Bill in Gen. I? Should you screw up the first Timegate Traveler movie, it happens to you.
  • Bookends: Your first movie is of the Brycen Man series. After getting a good ending on every other movie series, you are given the finale to the Brycen Man series as your last film to take part of.
  • Butt-Monkey: The Sneasel Ninja in Full Metal Cop. Justified in that you're playing the antagonist/Villain Protagonist in the series, and in the finale you become Mecha-Cop's partner. Of course, you can subvert this by getting the Surprise endings.
  • Coming-of-Age Story: The Mystery Doors to the Magical Land series starts out with the protagonist acting like a selfish royal, but by the end, they've made friends with a formerly human plush toy and return home with the maturity to rule the kingdom when they come of age.
  • The Danza: Every character you play in the Pokéstar Studios movies is taken from yours in some way. Even if the character goes by a nickname or code name, it will be revealed that their real name is the player's name at some point. Brycen also plays a villain in his movies named Brycen-Man. invoked
  • Dead All Along: In Love and Battles 3 , turns out your character is this.
    • Never Say "Die": In this instance... Averted? A Suddenly Voiced Smeargle doesn't mince the facts that you and your lover died a year before.
  • Do Well, But Not Perfect: Getting Strange endings — which provide the best box office outcomes — requires a combination of specific failures and successes. Following the script to the letter will just lead to a normal Good ending.
  • Driven to Suicide: Brycen-Man in the strange ending for Brycen-Man 3. Turns out that the Black Diamond that he used to make his Brycen Cannon powerful was too strong for Brycen-Man to handle and ended up doing more damage to him instead. Rather than accepting help from the hero, he proceeds to destroy himself with his Brycen Cannon instead. Yikes.
  • Eldritch Abomination: The humanoids of The Red Fog of Terror, not to mention the monster leading them. They're only props, but still...
  • Excited Show Title!: The Giant Woman!
  • Expy: Arkham and the Majin in the Ghost Eraser movies are reminiscent of Babidi and Majin Buu.
  • Fake Difficulty: As mentioned above, the Luck-Based Mission nature of making the movies, combined with the turn and goal limits often makes the movies take many more tries than they would otherwise.
    • The first episode of the "Mystery Doors to the Magical Land" is absolutely rotten with this, with both of the enemy Pokémon knowing and frequently using moves that make you confused, make a substitute, flinch, or fall in love, and has a very short turn limit. At least you have the Destiny Knot to bounce some of that love right back.
    • Love and Battles 3 is impossible if Smeargle decides to use Attract on the first turn. After that, you have only a 50% chance of moving each turn, and you already only have about one or two spare turns to account for error.
    • Similarly, the first Invaders movie is impossible if the opposing Roggenrola decides to use Rock Blast on the first turn and you get unlucky with the number of times it hits.
    • On a more general note, a mis-timed critical hit accidentally knocking out the opponent's/your Pokemon can ruin the whole progress too.
    • Some of the movies, such as episode four of "Big Monster" require a complicated strategy to defeat the enemy with rental Pokemon due to your moveset and/or their typing and ability. The "Big Monster" example requires changing the weather and your opponent's ability in order to defeat it because the only super effective move you have is a fire move and it's ability is Flash Fire. With your own Pokemon, you can just use a ground attack that will do quadruple damage because it's Electic/Steel.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: The Ledian which fights you with humans from Timegate Travelers saga is referred as female in script, but has the sprite of a male.
  • Giant Woman: One of the series is named "The Giant Woman!". It's about exactly that.
  • Happily Married: It is implied that this the current state of your character's relationship with his/her opponent in "Love and Battles 3", if you achieve the strange ending.
    • Mystery Door 3 has the strange ending being your character falling in love and marrying either the gatekeeper (female character) or the queen/Sabrina (male character).
  • Happiness in Slavery: The strange ending in the second Time Gate Traveler movie ends with the scientist protagonist captured in a human ball. They find out they enjoy being under Ledian's control and even stop caring about what happened to their companion.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: The second and third Full Metal Cop episodes have this happen to Sneasel Ninja: In both, the enemies survive his/her attacks by one hit point, then use moves that get stronger the lower the user's health is to destroy him/her. The fourth has Sneasel Ninja using swagger, which raises the opponent's attack but confuses them. Mecha cop's Escavalier has a berry, however, that cures confusion, leaving it free to sweep Sneasel Ninja's entire team. Hell, the only way for this to happen in the third episode is is for him/her to use Sunny Day, allowing the opponent to go first, and a move that is completely useless for Sneasel Ninja's pokemon.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: The strange ending in the Mystery Doors of the Magical Land 2 has the doll saying that he's going to have people soup because the main character screwed up.
  • Irony: The first Timegate Traveler film revolves around how Professor Strange's glasses have been caught in the temporal transport and he begs the player to get them back for him. The irony? His portrait shows him holding his hand to his nose, and you can see him with glasses on there.
  • Interspecies Romance:
    • The strange ending to Love and Battles has the protagonist fall for their co-star's Smeargle. Even weirder if you play as the male protagonist given the Smeagle is of the same gender.
    • Implied and Parodied in the strange ending of "The giant woman! Part 2": when River is told by the male PC the cursed Pokeball contains his girlfriend, he misunderstands it as "I'm in love with the Pokemon I have inside this ball." Surprisingly, River was a lot more chill about that than the player.
  • Inverted Trope: One of the Pokéstar Studio films, the second in the Timegate Travelers saga (in which you play the role of a scientist experimenting with Time Travel), has you in a future where Bug-Pokémon fight using human beings, in exactly the same way one normally fights with Pokémon in the present.
  • Kung Fu-Proof Mook: Majin is a Dark/Ghost type with Wonder Guard, leaving it immune to every kind of attack in the game. To defeat him, you're going to have to use Hail, Sandstorm, a status effect, or an ability that bypasses Wonder Guard.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: If you achieve the strange ending to "Brycen Man Strikes Back Harder", Brycen Man makes this claim, and he has proof to back it up, as he knows your real name. (However, the battle is still All Just a Dream, just as it is in the happy ending.)
  • Manipulative Bastard: Barbara, the female Ace Trainer from Love and Battles 2 note or Camilo, the male Ace Trainer if you're playing as a girl starts off as this, as she's shot down all the other guys who've asked her out on a date. She even says that she enjoys it, and she hopes to do the same to you by defeating you and refusing you as well. The trope is subverted when she defeats you, however, when instead of getting depressed, you stay strong taking her insults like a champ, shocking her and making her feel weird having her plan foiled. Thus, she warms up to you and happily offers to be friends with you.
  • Mind Screw: At the end of the Timegate Traveller series, the Bad Future is averted when the Ledian notices the Evolution Stone amongst the samples you have collected in the future, and by going back without the stone, the Bad Future is presumably averted. Meaning, that if you hadn't gone forward in time in the first place, the Bad Future wouldn't have happened, and then it wouldn't have had to be averted... Timey-Wimey Ball probably applies here.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: You, the player, have this moment in the last Everlasting Memories movie after you're forced to destroy F-00 to keep it from going berserk and causing damage. It's made clear in the dialogue that you wanted to save it, but your assistant claims that "some things just can't be fixed".
    • Also, the strange ending to the finale of Invaders causes you to go into this after you find out that the Emolga that you have knocked out or possibly killed was forced to fight for the alien invaders. The Alien uses this to her advantage by mind controlling you at your most vulnerable state.
    • A similar thing happens in the third Invaders movie, where you have this reaction after finding out that the Ferroseed you knocked out belongs to one of the fleeing citizens. The UFO then kidnaps you while you're upset.
  • Mythology Gag: In the "Mystery Doors to the Magical Land" scenario of Pokéstar Studios, you play opposite Sabrina, where she's cast as the villain, and plays a dark sorceress who seems to have the power to turn victims into living dolls. This may be a reference to her anime self, who did the same thing to defeated challengers until she was cured by Ash.
  • Narm Charm: It's implied that the Strange endings get the best box office results because they're more enjoyable for how weird they are. invoked
  • Off the Rails: While you're supposed to be following a script, there isn't much stopping you from ignoring it and doing what you want. Going off-script in specific ways is even how you get the unique Strange endings.
  • Playing Against Type: You usually play the hero while Brycen (or someone else) plays the villain. In the "Full Metal Cop" series, your roles are reversed. invoked
  • Railroading: The opponent AI changes depending on whether you follow the script and/or say the right lines. If you don't get it right, the enemy will usually destroy you on the next turn. If you do everything correctly, you usually can get through the movie all right.
  • Ridiculously Human Robot: The main plot of the Everlasting Memories Series where you, playing as an Insufferable Genius, create a robot with a human heart for companionship. Even when said robot gets hacked and all its memories erased, it still somehow manages to hold on to its memories of the player and eventually holds on to those memories long enough to get the player to destroy it before it goes berserk. Lampshaded by your assistant, who says that the whole thing is scientifically impossible.
  • Running Gag: In the Full Metal Cop series, Mecha Cop keeps accidentally getting worked up and using weapons on Sneasel Ninja. Even when he's not there in the Third Episode, his sister attacks Sneasel Ninja with Judo. Sneasel Ninja, the criminal mind you, has to keep reminding them that they're supposed to be battling with Pokemon, much to the heroes' embarrassment.
  • "Scooby-Doo" Hoax: If you achieve the Strange ending in each of the "Ghost Eraser" scenarios except the fourth, what appears to be a haunting is actually a scam being run by someone trying to make money. Naturally, the hero character (ie, your character) is not pleased at being called to investigate a false alarm.
  • Shout-Out:
    • The movie series Timegate Traveler is probably a shout-out to Planet of the Apes, it's a Bad Future where Pokémon control humans, with a time-traveler ending up there and having to try and escape. And if you get the bad ending in the third film, the protagonist ends up taking an artifact back that results in the eventual Bug-type Pokemon uprising-not unlike Zira and Cornelius's son being born in the past and leading the ape uprising in the fourth film.
    • The Ghost Eraser movie series has a shoutout to Ghostbusters in the title and features trainers named "Kadath" and "Arkham".
    • The Red Fog of Terror series seems to be a shout-out to the works of Junji Ito.
    • "Big Monster" is a reference to Kaiju films, with a giant Tyranitar reminiscent of Godzilla, a Mecha-Tyranitar boss, and a villain named Serizawa.
    • The "Full Metal Cop" movies are based on RoboCop, as both involve cyborg police officers as the main character. The name of the movie series is also a nod to Full Metal Jacket.
  • Sore Loser: In the strange ending of "Love and Battles 2", if you're playing as a boy, you win against Barbara, who won every battle against every guy who asked her out up to that point. Afterwards, she calls you a terrible guy and leaves.
  • Stable Time Loop: You are barely able to prevent the Bad Future in the "Timegate Traveller" series... and in the process, discover that you travelling forward in time and bringing the Evolution Stone back with you was what caused the bad future in the first place! By going back without the stone, the bad future is presumably averted.
  • Story Branching: How you act during the production affects the stories of the movies, and can mean the difference between a Downer Ending or a happy ending or simply decide the fate of a certain character.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: You have the option to do this in the Invaders movie when you discover that the aliens' home world was destroyed by a supernova and they've spent centuries trying to find a replacement. If you do, then your character tries to give the aliens a Last-Second Chance.
  • Throwing the Fight: In several of the battles, you have to lose on purpose to get the Good ending (and occasionally, the Strange ending), and in these cases, losing on purpose is often harder than winning if you're using the rental.
  • Tragic Monster: F-00, the little robot in the Everlasting Memories series.
  • Tsundere: The love interest in Love and Battles 2. The love interest in the first Love and Battles might count as well, albeit to a lesser extent.
  • Villain Protagonist: The "Full Metal Cop" movies has you playing the part of a thief against the titular Full Metal Cop. Your character can reform if you get the Good Ending, at least.
  • We Can Rule Together: In the strange ending of Big Monster 4, Serizawa offers you to work for him and his MT, in exchange for, after some heavy persuasion, multiplying your current salary by one hundred times. Either that or get destroyed by his MT. Needless to say, you decide to join him.
    • This is also the case in the strange ending of Ghost Eraser 4, where you convince the Majin to join you, and you both rule the world as benign (more or less) dictators.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: The Sneasel Ninja you play as in the Full Metal Cop series calls out Mecha Cop's methods of justice several times each movie.
    • In "Brycen-Man Strikes Back 2", if you use your own Pokemon with the move Thief, Brycen-Man will say, "You use that move... and call yourself a hero of justice?"
  • You Are Worth Hell: The Tearjerker / Heartwarming strange ending of "The Giant Woman! Part 2" has the PC stay with their beloved inside the cursed Pokeball, out of love and regret.

Alternative Title(s): Pokemon Black And White 2, Pokemon Black 2, Pokemon White 2

Black and White 2 How to Speed Up Time


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